
about heart wood studio

The partnership that formed Heart Wood Studio in 2007 combines our varied and complementary skills as well as years of experience, but most importantly, opens a door long closed.

At last, in a setting that demands our fullest efforts, we find ourselves charging past previous creative limits. Our sincere hope is that each visitor to this website will see ready evidence of a commitment to quality in the photographic record of our work.

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Don Jablonski

From childhood and throughout my life, I have maintained a fascination with fitting one piece of wood to another. Near the conclusion of my formal education in 1975, I finally succumbed to the allure of a skilled trade. Beginning with an apprenticeship in the shops of a European trained craftsperson and through a succession of jobs over the next thirty years, I have been involved in many aspects of custom woodworking. In each setting I welcomed the most tedious and challenging projects, concentrating on complex joinery and decorative veneering.

Forming Heart Wood Studio offered an opportunity to use my experience and insight to produce the best product I can.